15 reasons FAANG companies are worth the effort

7 min readJan 3, 2021


Interviewing at FAANG is daunting, heck even getting an interview at one of them is difficult, and downright unfair. But getting into one is worth it!

FAANG is an acronym for Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netlifx, Google.

Sure you may not like what Facebook stands for, or Amazon’s for that matter. But that’s a topic for another day.

However that’s not the reason I’m writing this post.

I’m merely reiterating some of the reasons you already know, but you need to be constantly reminded, to keep true to your goals.

Also this list is entirely from an outsider’s perspective, I may get lucky enough for an interview someday and then after joining I might have the privilege to write why you shouldn’t get into one!


1. Swagger

Photo by Rajeshwar Bachu / Unsplash

FAANG engineers are some of the smartest people in the world, and that’s a fact. Imagine getting in one, you immediately get certified as the best of the best.

Bye bye impostor syndrome, as working in one of those is a huge confidence booster. As body building does to your body, getting into a top tier institution does the same to your brain.

Imaging sitting in a bar and name dropping working at any of the FAANG, the kind of attention you get from people is phenomenal.

2. Perks

Photo by Eric Nopanen / Unsplash

Huge parties, paid leaves, health insurance to name a few. Checkout their respective sites for all the details.

3. Free food

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP / Unsplash

All you can eat food.

People born with silver spoon in their mouth or people with spouse that cooks may not realise this, but having this option is just tremendous.

We don’t have to shell out large portion of our earnings to eating, nor do we have to rack our brain to figure out where to eat. (One less decision to fatigue us!)

4. Salary

Photo by Viacheslav Bublyk / Unsplash

A substantial salary is a must.

If you earn 1/10th of the FAANG salary, you will be able to save or invest 1/10th the amount. Thereby postponing your early retirements plan.

Not just saving or investment, being able to afford a house, being able to ride whatever you want is also a huge plus point.

Imagine not needing to use your credit card to purchase something you desire.

5. Stock

Photo by Austin Distel / Unsplash

Stock options sweetens the deal even further.

There’s no better way to feel invested, than to get stocks when you join a company. The more the better.

And if you have seen the graph of stock prices of FAANG companies, you know what you will be getting in the long run!

6. World Travel

Photo by Jose Llamas / Unsplash

Outing to foreign countries!

I was surprised to learn that once a year, a outing to different country is part of the deal.

Imagine not going to your local resort for a change, and visiting an entirely different country!

7. Better Employment Opportunity

Photo by Rhii Photography / Unsplash

Ex FAANG engineers have a demand unlike anything.

It’s a resume seller. Perhaps ATS systems are tuned to check if an applicant is ex Google or ex Facebook engineer!

It’s like graduating from a Ivy League college!

8. Like Minded People

Photo by Marvin Meyer / Unsplash

Nerd out with others that have the same passion as you. I always hoped to find people that are geeks like me from college days.

Not only you get to share what you learnt, you also get to learn from others experience.

You don’t get that in a small company, where all your colleagues can think about or do is go home, go to a bar, go to movies…

I understand work life balance is a thing, but if people don’t even bother to better themselves in their free time then what’s the point?

9. Startup Possibility

Photo by Mika Baumeister / Unsplash

Having an idea is well and good, but execution matters even more.

You might know the pain of mentioning an idea to your peers, for your peers to say no, only to see someone else make it happen!

Since the people you are working with will be of same calibre as you, there’s a high chance that you will be able to execute your dream together.

10. Casual Clothing

Photo by Annie Spratt / Unsplash

Ever had that one annoying guy from HR, constantly pester you to wear clothes different from what you are comfortable in?

I have, and it always strikes a nerve.

If wearing casual makes me feel comfortable and I can perform better, what’s the point of wearing business attire the whole time?

Instead of making us wear business attire, maybe focus on getting ergonomic desks & chairs. That would at least improve our performance!

11. Flexibility to Change Teams

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters / Unsplash

If you have never felt stuck with a team, let me tell you it’s exhausting to say the least.

Either they are incompetent, or the manager sucks, or maybe you stopped vibing with the project. Whatever it may be, having a choice to switch teams is a must.

And working in a big company, that has loads of projects on going simultaneously is the best.

12. Shared Workload

Photo by krakenimages / Unsplash

Everyone’s a heavy lifter, and they got your back if you falter.

If you have never cried for help with some work, that is just beyond your capabilities, or that is so mundane that you feel like killing yourself, then you can’t appreciate this.

Being able to rely on a colleague and helping each other out shouldn’t be an issue in a big company, filled to the brim with smart people.

13. Tangible Product

Photo by Neil Soni / Unsplash

Working on an app you use daily, like say YouTube or Apple Maps, is way more satisfying than working on something obscure, which you can’t access or which is just for internal use!

And being able to say “You’re Welcome!” when your friend praises an App’s feature is a cherry on top.

14. In House Libraries

Photo by Perfecto Capucine / Unsplash

It’s not a secret, that big companies have lots of internal tools that make life of engineers easier.

Even before React or GraphQL came into lime light, they have been used extensively internally.

Being privy to these tools can be eye opening, and may lead you to making something incredible of your own!

15. Best Workplace

Standing Desks, Superior Chairs, Monitor Arms, Bluetooth Accessories

Superior desks, comfy chair, best of the best devices.

If you have ever worked for a small or medium company, you would know how little they care about ergonomics. Workspace is tightly packed, desks aren’t adjustable, chairs are cheap.

If you are an absolute nerd and don’t care about any of the stuffs mentioned above, you must care about this.

You don’t want to end up in a company with a lacklustre office space, it’s nothing but lifetime of lingering pain and suffering, for a short duration you spend your time there.


Which reason attracts your attention the most and which company do you want to get into? Let me know in the comments below.

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Written by DerpyCoder

If you’re someone, just starting out in the industry or looking to better yourself or trying to find your way in life. You have come to the right place!

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